10 thoughts on “Found in the Dragon’s Den

  1. That’s utterly marvellous. (Incidentally, though, the link to the whole thing from awrc.info is broken.)

  2. Erm, when I click on it in Firefox I get linked to http://www.awrc.info/www.awrc.info/selfpotter.mp3 (rather than “http://www.awrc.info/selfpotter.mp3”, which does work), and a “404 not found”.

    I’m talking about yesterday’s one, with the text “here’s how I imagine Will Self would write a Harry Potter story”.

    Perhaps this really is just me, though.

  3. Dude, you’re quite right – thanks! Fixed! (Which probably means the RSS feed will now flush everything to LiveJournal again…)

  4. ta! (I’m afraid I don’t think we can make your gathering of good hope tonight, alas – but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

  5. Good stuff! I wonder how Will Self felt.

    I think in honour of this rather splendid achievement you should now be known to all as “Listener Andrew Chapman”.

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