Month: August 2008
Trivioku puzzle #3
1.What gives you the edge in typography and economics? (6)
2.Which central Indian city is associated with the cobra? (6)
3.Which Roman town was the birthplace of Cicero? (7)
4.Which edible crustacean has branching gills? (5)
5.Which animal is associated with the zodiac sign Aries? (3)
6.Keats wrote an ode to a Grecian what? (3)
7.Which northern town is associated with both George Orwell and George Formby? (5)
8.Which modern country was formerly known as Persia? (4)
9.What is the base unit of mass in the metric system? (4)
HINT: Our planet is doing this.
Solution to trivioku #2
Trivioku puzzle #2
1.Graham Greene wrote a novel called Travels with My _ ? (4)
2.The Magic Flute and La Traviata are examples of what art form? (5)
3.Who is the Muse of lyric poetry? (5)
4.What popular edible fish often swims with dolphins? (4)
5.Who allegedly fiddled while Rome burnt? (4)
6.Which bone runs parallel to the radius? (4)
7.Which 1571 naval battle was also the title of a poem by G K Chesterton? (7)
8.What is the name of the boiled cornmeal dish popular in Italy? (7)
9.Which former US presidential candidate is a congressman from Texas? (3,4)
HINT:What are environmentalists trying to save?